26 May 2005
Trailblazing fireplace bans cause pollution
The Fresno County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously two days ago to draft an ordinance to partially ban wood-burning fireplaces in new homes in unincorporated Fresno County. They are additionally urging the other incorporated cities of the county to follow the trail they and the Fresno City Council have blazed with fireplace bans. That blaze will cause far more pollution than the fireplace bans will eliminate.
When the Fresno City Council passed its ban over two years ago, the LPFC issued a press release condemning the ban. They, like the Fresno Bee editors, see such a ban as leadership on the critical air pollution issue. Unfortunately, leadership that targets innocent people is failed leadership. Polluters should pay for pollution problems.
Besides, the wood-burning pollution local governments are reacting to is a small part of a problem that is being solved by technology. Research done by the Reason Public Policy Institute shows that particulate matter, the primary pollutant of fireplaces, has been falling consistently in all parts of the San Joaquin Valley since 1985. Furthermore, Dr. Adrian Moore of the institute says that there is no correlation between asthma incidence and air pollution levels. Many California cities and counties with increasing asthma incidences have declining particulate matter and/or ozone levels. He adds that a small percentage of older cars cause a majority of the vehicular air pollution, and that the air is being cleaned as these oldest cars are gradually being taken off the valley's roadways.
Newer technologies are also being made available for fireplaces. Additionally, greater daily air quality alertness through the media (including the Bee; thanks) makes for more efficient and effective voluntary compliance.
The fireplace bans are overkill. Enacting policies that punish innocent people is more dangerous to the valley than the present-day levels of air pollution.
When the Fresno City Council passed its ban over two years ago, the LPFC issued a press release condemning the ban. They, like the Fresno Bee editors, see such a ban as leadership on the critical air pollution issue. Unfortunately, leadership that targets innocent people is failed leadership. Polluters should pay for pollution problems.
Besides, the wood-burning pollution local governments are reacting to is a small part of a problem that is being solved by technology. Research done by the Reason Public Policy Institute shows that particulate matter, the primary pollutant of fireplaces, has been falling consistently in all parts of the San Joaquin Valley since 1985. Furthermore, Dr. Adrian Moore of the institute says that there is no correlation between asthma incidence and air pollution levels. Many California cities and counties with increasing asthma incidences have declining particulate matter and/or ozone levels. He adds that a small percentage of older cars cause a majority of the vehicular air pollution, and that the air is being cleaned as these oldest cars are gradually being taken off the valley's roadways.
Newer technologies are also being made available for fireplaces. Additionally, greater daily air quality alertness through the media (including the Bee; thanks) makes for more efficient and effective voluntary compliance.
The fireplace bans are overkill. Enacting policies that punish innocent people is more dangerous to the valley than the present-day levels of air pollution.